Setting the standard for consumer trust for growing businesses

Privacy is a corporate responsibility, but that doesn’t make it easy to understand. Or maintain. Or improve. We’re here to fix that. Go beyond compliance with Common Sense Privacy, your key to smarter privacy standards for better business outcomes.

Brand reputation

Following regulations and building reputations with privacy standards tailored for your business

Privacy isn’t just a policy. And it isn’t just the domain of lawyers and IT. Privacy affects what you can monetize, how you can acquire customers, and even what partners you can choose. But the rules keep changing . Big Tech constantly updates policies that dictate how and how much companies are allowed to collect and interact with customers.

At the same time, regulations around the world are rising. Today, close to 120 million Americans are covered by bills either signed into law or in various stages of the legislative process. And the fines? They’re skyrocketing. COPPA violations are up to $46,000 per child. One company was slapped with a $1.5 million fine and forced to delete algorithms.

Compliance is a brutal balancing act among many state, national, and international regulations. Enterprises may be scrambling to comply, but few have the resources to lead, even as the stakes rise with both legal and reputation risks.


Customer privacy pains need attention now

Pew Research surveyed American adults and discovered:

  • 70% feel their personal information is less secure than it was five years ago
  • 81% feel they have little or no control over the data that companies collect
  • 79% feel somewhat or very concerned about how companies use data collected

Reviewing privacy policies requires experts in many fields. But they can’t do it alone. Common Sense Privacy is building a worldwide platform powered by privacy and legal experts, augmented by cutting-edge AI.

We help companies understand any privacy gaps so they can comply with all the new data privacy regulations and reduce reputation risks.

Common Sense Privacy was forged for both companies and consumers to create a more secure digital future.